SP | Spontaneous Potential |
AIT | Array Induction Imager Tool |
ALAT | Azimuthal Laterolog |
CFRT | Cased-hole Formation Resistivity |
DIFL | Dual Induction Focussed log |
DIT | Dual Induction Tool |
DLL | Dual Laterolog |
DLT | Dual Laterolog Tool |
DPIL | Dual Phase Induction log |
DST | Dual Laterolog Tool with SRT |
ES | Electrical Survey Tool |
HALS | HILT Azimuthal Laterolog Sonde |
HDIL | High Definition Induction log |
HIT | Hostile Array Induction Tool |
HRI | High Resolution Induction |
HRLT | High Resolution Laterolog Array Tool |
IEL | Induction Electrolog |
IES | Induction Electrical Survey |
IRT | Induction Resistivity Tool |
MCFL | Micro-Cylindrically Focused Logging Device |
MDLT | Medium Dual Laterolog Tool |
MDST | Medium Dual Laterolog SFL Tool |
MLL | Microlaterologlog Tool (predates digital era) |
MLT | Microlog Tool |
MPT | Microlog Proximity Tool |
SAIT | Slimhole Array Induction Tool |
SMRT | Slim Micro Resistivity Tool |
SRT | Micro Spherically Focused Resistivity Tool |
CALI | Generalized Caliper |
AACT | Aluminium Activation Clay Tool |
AGS | Aluminum Gamma Ray Spectroscopy Sonde |
APS | Accelerator Porosity Sonde |
CDL | Compensated Densilog |
CGRS | Compact Gamma Ray Sonde |
CNT | Compensated Neutron Tool |
ECS | Elemental Capture Spectroscopy Sonde |
FDC | Compensated Formation Density Log |
FGT | Formation Gamma Gamma Tool |
GNT | Gamma Neutron Tool |
GPT | Gamma Ray Perforating Tool |
GRT | Gamma Ray Tool |
GST | Gamma Spectroscopy Tool |
HGNS | HILT Gamma-Ray Neutron Sonde |
HLDS | Hostile Litho-Density Sonde |
HLDT | Hostile Environment Litho Density Tool |
HNGS | Hostile Natural Gamma Ray Spectrometry Sonde |
HNGT | Hostile Natural Gamma Ray Spectrometry Tool |
HSGT | Hostile Environment Gamma Ray Tool |
LDS | Litho Density Sonde (for IPLT) |
LDT | Litho Density Tool |
MIST | Multiple Isotope Spectroscopy Tool |
MSGT | Scintillation Gamma Ray Tool |
NDT | Neutron Depth Tool |
NGS | Natural Gamma Ray Spectrometry Sonde |
NGT | Natural Gamma Ray Spectrometry Tool |
NPLT | Nuclear Porosity Lithology Tool |
PGGT | Powered Gun Gamma Ray Tool |
PGT | Formation Density Tool |
PNT | Sidewall Neutron Tool |
PSGT | Pulsed Spectral Gamma Tool |
RST | Reservoir Saturation Tool |
SGT | Scintillation Gamma Ray Tool |
SLDT | Slimhole Litho-Density Tool |
SNPD | Sidewall Neutron Tool |
SSGT | Scintillation Gamma Ray Tool |
SWT | Water Saturation Tool |
SWTS | Water Saturation Tool Sonde |
TDT | Thermal Decay Time Tool |
ZDL | Compensated Z-Densilog |
CMR | Combinable Magnetic Resonance Tool |
MRIL | Magnetic Resonance Imaging Log |
NMT | Nuclear Magnetism Tool |
GHMT | Geological High Sensitivity Magnetic Tool |
CSAT | Combined Seismic Acquisition Tool |
CWRT | Cross Well Receiver Tool |
DSA | Downhole Seismic Array |
DSLT | Digitizing Sonic Logging Tool |
DSST | Dipole Shear Sonic Imager Tool |
DWST | Digital Waveform Sonic Tool |
LSS | Long Spaced Sonic Tool |
QSST | Quick Shot Seismic Tool |
SAT | Seismic Acquisition Tool |
SDT | Sonic Digital Tool |
SLT | Sonic Logging Tool |
SSLT | SLIM Sonic Logging Tool |
VSIT | Versatile Seismic Imager Tool |
WST | Well Seismic Tool |
AMS | Auxiliary Measurement Service Log |
AMS | Auxiliary Measurement Sonde |
EMS | Environment Measurement Sonde |
HDT | High Resolution Dipmeter Tool |
OBDT | Oil Base Mud Dipmeter Tool |
SHDT | Stratigraphic High Resolution Dipmeter Tool |
AST | Acoustic Scanner Tool |
BHTV | Borehole Televiewer |
CMT | Circumferential Microsonic Tool |
FBST | Full Bore Scanner Tool |
MEST | Micro-Electrical Scanner Tool |
OBMT | Oil Base Mud Formation Imager Tool |
UBI | Ultrasonic Borehole Imager |
UCI | Ultrasonic Corrosion Imager |
USIT | Ultrasonic Imaging Tool |
BGS | Borehole Geometry Sonde |
BGT | Borehole Geometry Tool |
GCT | Guidance Continuous Tool |
GPIT | General Purpose Inclinometry Tool |
CERT | Correlatable Electromagnetic Recovery Tool |
FPIT | Free Point Indicator Tool |
CCL | Casing Collar Locator |
SCCL | Slim Casing Collar Locator |
CIT | Casing Inspection Tool |
CPET | Corrosion Protection Evaluation Tool |
ETT | Electromagnetic Thickness Tool |
TGT / TGS | Tubing Geometry Tool |
MFCT | Multi-Finger Caliper Tool |
PAT | Pipe Analysis Tool |
PHAT | Pit and Hole Analysis Tool |
CBL | Cement Bond Log |
CBT | Cement Bond Tool |
CET | Cement Evaluation Tool |
HCMT | HPHT (High Pressure, High Temperature) Slim Cement Mapping Tool |
SCMT | Slim Cement Mapping Tool |
SBT | Segmented Bond Tool |
SLT | Sonic Logging Tool |
VDL | Variable Density Log |
DPT | Dielectric Propagation Tool |
EPT | Electromagnetic Propagation Tool |
MPBT | Mechanical Plug Back Tool |
SPPT | Production Packer Tool |
GUN | Perforating Gun |
MWPT | Measurement While Perforating Tool |
PERFO | Perforating (Dummy) Tool |
FET | Formation Evaluation Tool |
FMT | Formation Muti-Tester |
MDT | Modular Formation Dynamics Tester |
MRTT | Modular Reservoir Test Tool (MDT) |
MSCT | Mechanical Sidewall Coring Tool |
RCI | Reservoir Characterization Instrument |
RFT | Repeat Formation Tester |
SFT | Selective Formation Tester |
SPFT | Slim Packer Fluid Analyzer Tool |
WTPT | Well Test Pressure Tool |